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Shree Rameshbhai Tilara
Chairman / MD
Few inspiring words by Chairman / MD
First of all, I am honoured to be the Chairman of such a huge association, my sincere gratitude towards all the honourable members of SVIA and the owners of all the companies associated with SVIA.
I am also thankful to all the committee members for running such a gigantic association smoothly and have creating such a strong backbone for us.
With the position assigned of Chairman, I assure all the members, the executive committee that running the association smoothly, effectively with the overall growth and development of SVIA and members will be my ultimate goal.
I do believe that we all should encourage the new members and support them, and I will serve as a platform where we all can share our knowledge with each other and be a helping hand to all.
I will be welcoming all to share their views, experience or expertise by submitting articles.

Shree Kishorbhai Tilara
Let’s Work together and Grow together!!
I have immense pleasure to be the President of SIVA and at the same time, I feel more responsible as I have to be the best in all possible ways to serve SIVA in my tenure.
I assure my best efforts in uplifting SIVA to the next higher level for which I request support and cooperation from all engineers.
The first and foremost purpose of forming associations is unity. If we are all united then nothing can stop our positive progress and growth. I am fully confident about our unity and together we will definitely take SIVA to newer heights.
I invite each and every member of our federation to participate in various activities and events for the upliftment of SIVA and the welfare of members.
Please feel free to contact me for your grievances, suggestions and clarifications.